Cape Town Ride

Cycling 101: Beginner Mistakes And How To Avoid Them

Cycling is not only a fantastic form of exercise but also a great way to explore your surroundings and connect with nature. Whether you’re a seasoned rider or just starting out, it’s easy to make some common mistakes that can hinder your enjoyment and progress. In this guide, we’ll highlight some of the most common beginner mistakes in cycling and provide practical tips on how to avoid them, ensuring a smoother and more enjoyable riding experience.

  1. Skipping Bike Fit: One of the biggest mistakes beginners make is neglecting to get a proper bike fit. Riding a bike that isn’t adjusted to your body can lead to discomfort, pain, and even injury. Before hitting the road, invest in a professional bike fitting session to ensure that your bike is set up correctly for your body size and riding style. A properly fitted bike will enhance your comfort, efficiency, and overall performance.
  2. Ignoring Safety Gear: Safety should always be a top priority when cycling. Many beginners make the mistake of overlooking the importance of wearing appropriate safety gear. Always wear a properly fitted helmet to protect your head in case of falls or accidents. Additionally, invest in high-visibility clothing and reflective gear to make yourself more visible to other road users, especially when riding in low-light conditions. Don’t forget to equip your bike with lights and reflectors for added visibility.
  3. Overlooking Bike Maintenance: Regular bike maintenance is essential for keeping your bike in optimal condition and ensuring a smooth ride. Neglecting maintenance tasks such as cleaning, lubricating, and inspecting your bike can lead to mechanical issues and premature wear and tear. Get into the habit of performing basic maintenance checks before each ride, such as checking tire pressure, inspecting brakes and gears, and ensuring that all bolts are tightened properly. Regularly servicing your bike at a local bike shop will also help prevent major problems down the road.
  4. Starting Too Fast, Too Soon: Many beginners make the mistake of pushing themselves too hard and trying to tackle long distances or steep climbs right from the start. This can lead to fatigue, frustration, and burnout, making it harder to stick with cycling in the long run. Instead, start slowly and gradually increase the intensity and duration of your rides as your fitness level improves. Listen to your body and don’t be afraid to take breaks when needed. Setting realistic goals and tracking your progress can help you stay motivated and avoid overexertion.
  5. Poor Pedaling Technique: Proper pedaling technique is crucial for maximizing your efficiency and power output while cycling. Many beginners make the mistake of relying too much on their quads and neglecting to engage their glutes, hamstrings, and core muscles. Focus on maintaining a smooth and circular pedaling motion, applying consistent pressure throughout the entire pedal stroke. Experiment with different gears and cadences to find the most comfortable and efficient pedaling rhythm for your riding style and terrain.

Cycling is a rewarding and enjoyable activity that offers numerous physical and mental benefits. By avoiding these common beginner mistakes and following the tips outlined in this guide, you can enhance your cycling experience and make the most of your time on the bike. Remember to prioritize safety, invest in proper equipment, and listen to your body as you embark on your cycling journey. With practice and perseverance, you’ll soon be cruising confidently on two wheels, exploring new routes, and achieving your cycling goals. Happy riding!

Cycling Routes in Cape Town

Cape Town is a biker’s heaven. It is considered one of the most bike-friendly cities in the world. From scenic mountain routes to wide open spaces surrounded by nature, there are amazing cycling routes that suit all skills and fitness levels. The city’s natural environment is abundant with single tracks, switchbacks, jeep tracks, and tarmac roads to suit everyone from the leisure cyclist to the technical rider. Some of these cycling routes are on the outskirts of the city, while others will take a bit of driving to get to. Here are some of the amazing cycling routes in Cape Town.

Table Mountain

cycling route

The Table Mountain offers some of the best and most accessible cycling and mountain biking trails in the city. The terrain in Table Mountain is often steep and unforgiving. An extensive trail network stretches from the Western Seaboard, via Signal Hill and Table Mountain right to Newlands forest and Constantia Nek. There are several access points and dozens of loops that can keep you busy for hours on end. The trails vary from exposed single track and rock gardens to gentle jeep tracks that take you through the cool shade of indigenous forest Afromontane forests. You can pick up a Table Mountain MTB map from a local bike shop, Cape Town tourism office or the Table Mountain National Park visitor center.

Signal Hill

cycling routes in cape town

Signal Hill technically falls under Table Mountain National Park. This flat-topped hill situated next to Lion’s Head has a number of mountain biking trails. There are several single and jeep track trails leading to either side of Signal Hill. Most tracks except the Big Easy are Intermediate to Expert. The Big Easy is by far the best and easiest way to access Signal Hill. The tracks are signposted and fairly easy to recognize. A trail map is also available at the gate at the top of the roller-coaster next to the monument.

Sea Point Promenade Meander

Sea Point Promenade Meander

The Sea Point Promenade is one of Cape Town’s favorite places to cycle, walk and play. This 7-kilometer scenic beach-front route is mostly paved and completely flat and is suitable for all levels of fitness. The Seapoint Promenade runs the length of Sea Point’s beachfront, from Bantry Bay to Mouille Point where it connects to Green Point Urban Park. This cycling route starts at the Up Cycles bicycle rental station and runs along the coastline, passing bustling play parks, fascinating public art, and other recreational activities. We suggest that you go slow when cycling in the early mornings and evenings as this area can be quiet busy.

Tokai Forest

tokai forest

Tokai Forest in the city’s southern suburbs is one of the most popular cycling destinations in Cape Town. There are several cycling trails through the dense forest and along exposed jeep tracks that offer something for all skill levels. Whether you are looking for a soft cycle or something more extreme, Tokai forest offers it all. All routes are mostly gravel roads, but you can choose single tracks from a number of different routes depending on your riding ability and confidence. Tokai Forest is not only popular for its amazing cycling trails, it is also popular for bird watching, hiking, and horse riding.

Chapman’s Peak Drive

chapman's peak

Chapman’s Peak is renowned as one of the most scenic marine drives in the world. It stretches from Hout Bay to Noordhoek. This picturesque 9-kilometer mountain road is winding up and down along the Atlantic Coast with 114 curves. The route can be strenuous with its many twists but it is very scenic and can be enjoyed also by amateur riders. Chapman’s Peak Drive also has numerous vantage points and picnic spots where you can enjoy fantastic views over Hout Bay.

Preparing For The Moonlight Mass Cape Town Ride

If you’re someone that is into cycling and you live in or want to visit Cape Town, you have options. Moonlight Mass Cape Town is something that started as a social media experiment, and now it’s one of the more popular rides in this area!


A ride like this is one where you’re with people and you will get to explore a little with them. It’s more of a social thing than it is a race. A casual night ride is what it’s all about, and it can be a nice way to chill if you’re visiting or if you live in the area. You need to look on their website to find out more in case anything has changed. But, for the most part, it’s a pretty straightforward ride where you start in one place and go to another during a full moon once a month.

Even though this is a casual ride, you don’t want to bring something that is too tiring to ride. There are some really small bikes that are hard to use for something like traveling. Ask around and see what others use in the area, and you may also be able to rent something if what you have won’t work. If all else fails, find a bike you can buy. Maybe you can find one locally so that you can have one to use during every ride you go on like this one!


Figure out where the parking area is because you may not want to ride a bike all the way here and then all the way back to where you were. There’s a lot that holds people and you can also park near the end goal if you don’t want to have to go all the way back. It’s up to you, and you may find an option that works better for you if you look around. Just know that you don’t have to spend time biking there if you don’t want to and have a vehicle to use.

Why would you want to try to ride a bike around if you’re not competing? Well, some people like to just go out on a beautiful night and have a relaxing ride. When you have others with you, it’s a very nice way to connect without having to talk. You’ll all be enjoying the ride and you may make some friends when all is said and done. This can also be a good way to be a little more active. It shouldn’t be all you do each month, but it can give you exercise for the days it’s scheduled for.

Do you want to bring something with you so you have a drink. You may also want to bring other things with you, so make sure you have a pack that’s not too heavy. If you’re going to bring your vehicle, you can store items in there as long as you make sure you can lock them up. You can also leave things behind and only bring a drink or whatever is absolutely necessary. Just make sure it all doesn’t interfere with your ability to ride your bike since that can make the trip quite the disaster a lot of the time.


Rides will take some energy to get through. While this is a more casual and not a big workout, you should be fine in most cases. But, if you just had surgery or have another reason why you shouldn’t be active, make sure that’s out of the way before you join. If you can get a doctor’s okay if there is something you’re not sure about, that may make you feel better about going on this trip. The people that you’ll be riding with are helpful and if anything goes wrong you’ll be sure to get someone over to help out quickly.

Moonlight Mass Cape Town rides are something that anyone can enjoy. Just make sure you have the right equipment and that you know when it will happen. There are going to be others there so be sure you ask someone if you’re not sure about what the times are and where you’ll be going.